% assign current_path = page.url | remove_first: '/index.html' | remove_first: '.html' %}
{# NOTE: Liquid doesn't seem to like it when I try to create a variable for the conditional value,
nor does it respect "blank". #}
I visited Rhode Island for the first time on Saturday. A friend from MIT, Toyya, was camping at
Burlingame State Park and I joined her and others
for the day, hanging out at the beach.
Last week proved to be quite exciting. I attended my first Red Sox game! On Wednesday a friend called with an extra ticket; and, having nothing else to do, I went on a whim. I had a fun time hanging out with folks from MIT. I was surprised to see...
Tonight I was walking to the grocery store when I noticed a young woman crossing the street toward me. There was a large amount of snowfall on Monday, so the sidewalks were bordered by snow banks. Anticipating that she was going to hop over a snow bank, I instinctively held...
I am back from Ghana. You can find pictures on Flickr. I had a great time and especially enjoyed meeting the D-Lab community partners and working in the villages. Once again I was pointed out as the IT guru and helped out with a few computer issues. The administrator of...