I am back from Ghana. You can find pictures on Flickr. I had a great time and especially enjoyed meeting the D-Lab community partners and working in the villages. Once again I was pointed out as the IT guru and helped out with a few computer issues. The administrator of the Methodist Hospital in Wenchi even asked me to work on an electronic medical records system (similar to what I did in India), but I had to decline due to time constraints and the long distance between Wenchi and the village where we stayed for 2 weeks, New Longoro. You may recall that I had planned to spend most of this year in Ghana and India. Unfortunately, those plans were put on hiatus when VistaPrint asked me to start work early. So instead of enduring a scorching Indian summer I’ll be freezing here in Boston. I have spent the past week-and-a-half moving into my new apartment in Cambridge. After picking up some clothes from storage tomorrow I should be all set. Despite being right up the street, I miss being at MIT and Sidney Pacific (my old dorm). It was so easy to be social given the fact that everyone lived in the same building and we had weekly events. Now that I am on my own it is a bit of a challenge to get out and socialize, especially since I’m not into the bar and club scene. By the way, for those interested, my new address is: 460 Green Street, Apt. 4 Cambridge, MA 02139I start at VistaPrint on Monday.