Update (2016-01-29): The set below now includes new photos from a more recent trip. We finally went inside!
I visited Montreal this past weekend and dropped by Montpelier on the way back. It’s so…tiny! I almost could not believe it was a capital city. It’s a modern day Mayberry! Coincidentally the relative small size of the state house (compared to other capitols) and large lawn in front make this one of the easiest capitols I have photographed. My shots of the California and Texas capitols have mostly been around 24mm. If not for a light pole on the sidewalk, I could have easily shot theVermont State House at 70mm or more!
The building is closed on Sundays so I was unable to take a tour. Hence, I’m not quite ready to strike Vermont off my bucket list. Nevertheless, a few shots are below. The wide shots of the full building and dome were processed with HDR Efex Pro.