Rochelle’s sister, Zoe, was married this past Saturday. Rochelle was maid of honor which left me with nothing to do before the ceremony. So I struck up a conversation with the hired photographer, Peter Bang, who let me join him as an unofficial third shooter.

As I have delved more into the world of photography and researched what it takes to turn this hobby into a side job I have always been cautioned against shooting weddings for various reasons. The one that has always stuck with me is the fact that there is no do-over. If you miss a shot you missed it. This is no different from shooting any other event except wedding photographers get paid a lot to capture once-in-a-lifetime moments. I have always been scared by the possibility of screwing up and have shied away from the few requests that I have received to shoot a wedding. Now that I have a better idea of what’s required and how to better plan for the shots, I think I’ll put myself out there as a second shooter for hire.

The pictures are online at